I had some trouble figuring out where to host my Mezzanine Site. After 
several false starts, I ended up using the Jelastic framework and picking 
one of their providers. The documentation showed exactly how to set up a 
Mezzanine site, and how to set up an Apache server with SQL server to 
support it. The base site was up in two hours. I then ftp my code up using 
FileZilla, being careful just to hand patch settings.py. 

I had a couple small issues that you may run into on other hosting 

1) Delete the demo gallery from the admin interface, and re-add a new one, 
(there are place names in the demo data that are not ANSI characters)

2) Run a Time Zone Plugin from Jelastic to reset both the web and sql to 
the time zone you want. In settings.py set USE_TZ = False, and change 
templates/blog-tags.py just need to comment out the line that calls 
d.astimezone. It you don't sync all this stuff you will get errors that 
blog entries were added before current time. 

3) Thumbnails will not show up. This is because the Apache 2.4 server 
returns a 403, client denied by server configuration. Use a find command to 
locate file httpd.conf. In my case it was in /etc/httpd/conf/. Comment out 
the restriction that blocks "." from being in a Directory Match.

4) For outgoing email I used SendGrid, they have an example showing exactly 
how to sent mail from django. Service is free for under 100 emails a day.

Hope this helps the group.

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