On December 14, 2002 at 02:01, Pete Walker wrote:

> I'm having a problem with mhonarc processing a large mail article.
> The article is numbered 45 and is 822k in size with *no*
> attachments.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed

It probably has to do with the format=flowed processing.  I discovered
this problem while working with the development version of mhonarc.
However, I did not know if it was due to changes I was making or if
it was a problem that already existed.

The format=flowed code appears to cause perl to go into an infinite loop
with the regex patterns used to process format=flowed data.  I was
able to crash v5.6.1 and v5.8.0 of perl under linux.

An alternative algorithm for handling format=flowed was checked into
CVS awhile , but due to other changes, the mhtxtplain.pl will
only work with the latest code.  I.e. You cannot just drop in the
latest CVS version into 2.5.13.

Solutions to the immediate problem:

  * Use the latest snapshot build of MHonArc available at
    <http://www.mhonarc.org/release/MHonArc/tar/>.  A nightly snapshot
    release is made of the latest CVS code.  The page states that
    snapshots can be unstable, but I do run dev versions for my
    private archives, and make corrections as needed.

  * Manually edit mhtxtplain.pl and comment-out, or remove, the
    code that handles format=flowed so regular text/plain processing
    is done.

Either way, if you could test the snapshot against your large message,
I'd appreciate it since I would like to know if the changes I made
will solve your crash problem.

BTW, feel free to submit a formal bug report at
<http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?func=addbug&group=mhonarc> if you
want to make the problem more "official."


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