On July 9, 2003 at 15:12, Harshal Chhaya wrote:

> I can't figure out how to use both 'allowcomments' and 'allowscript' 
> in MIMEArgs. I tried
> <MIMEArgs>
> m2h_text_html::filter; allowscript allowcomments
> </MIMEArgs>
> and 
> <MIMEArgs>
> m2h_text_html::filter; allowscript 
> m2h_text_html::filter; allowcomments
> </MIMEArgs>
> but neither preserves both the script and the comments within.

The first version is correct way.  In the second version, only
the last m2h_text_html::filter entry will be recognized.

> How do I enable both these arguments to the filter?

You have encountered a bug.  A quick look at the source shows
that allowcomments has no effect and comments are always stripped.

Please submit a bug report at
<https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?func=addbug&group=mhonarc>.  Once
done, I should be able to check-in a quick fix into CVS.


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