When email with attachments are archived it shows up in the web
interface as a link at the bottom of the document like this:

<p><strong><a href="bin00003.bin" ><img src="/icons/binary.gif"
align="left" border=0 alt="Attachment:" width="20" height="22"></a>
<a href="bin00003.bin" ><tt>GeneAnnotation.pdf</tt></a></strong><br>
<em>Description:</em> Binary data</p>

The problem is that when a user clicks on "GeneAnnotation.pdf"
the name of the file that pops up in the download dialog is
"bin00003.bin" and not "GeneAnnotation.pdf".

Is there some way, in HTML for instance, of applying the
expected name to the file???

If not, perhaps the code could be modified so that if attachments
are present a directory "message###_attachments" is created
and the files are placed within it with their original names,
and the href becomes "message###_attachments/realname"?
This should prevent name collisions between messages and then
the download would have the right name.


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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