> Irubin Consulting wrote:
> > Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> >> You may want to have a look at a help script I wrote to make a
> >> basic MHonArc set-up easier. It includes the option to have
> >> MHonArc fetch the messages from a POP3 account.
> >>
> >>     http://www.gunnar.cc/mhonarc/mhastart.pl.html
> >>
> >> The script is included in the folder 'contrib' in the MHonArc
> >> distribution file.
> >
> > I am attempting to setup your script, and am unclear about the
> > following three items. Your help is appreciated.
> >
> > ## Path to mbox file
> > $mbox = $mhonarc.'/mbox/demo';
> >
> > ## Path to resource file
> > $mrc = $mhonarc.'/demo.mrc';
> >
> > ## Full URL to main index file
> > $indexURL = 'http://www.gunnar.cc/mhonarc/demo/maillist.html';
> Unclear? In what way? I take for granted that you understand that the
> original settings are examples.
> Is it maybe the concatenation that confuses you? The starting-point
> for some of the configuration variables is:
>      ## Path to MHonArc program directory
>      $mhonarc = '/www/htdocs/gunnar/cgi-bin/mhonarc';
> That presupposes that the path to the program is:
>      /www/htdocs/gunnar/cgi-bin/mhonarc
> So, this example setting:
>      ## Path to mbox file
>      $mbox = $mhonarc.'/mbox/demo';
> suggests the creation of a subdirectory to the program directory:
>      /www/htdocs/gunnar/cgi-bin/mhonarc/mbox
> and the creation of an (empty) file in that directory named 'demo'.
> I don't know what else to say. You need to be much more specific about
> what it is you are "unclear" about.
> --
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Thanks again for your reply. I am getting closer ...

I followed your steps and created all the neccessary files. Another question
I have is regarding maillist.html file:

## Full URL to main index file
$indexURL = 'http://www.gunnar.cc/mhonarc/demo/maillist.html';

Is this file created automatically or do I need to create it? I installed
the application using 'perl install.me' ...

I am also getting an error "mhamain.pl did not return a true value" when
adding messages -
http://www.exceltip.com/cgi-bin/mhonarc/contrib/mhastart.pl (pass:

Your help is very much appreciated.


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