(courtesy cc to poster until list problems are known to be solved)

On September 2, 2003 at 16:22, "Darren Nickerson" wrote:

> I recently upgraded from an ancient version of MHonArc to 2.6.8, and have
> chosen to activate the 'spammode' feature to save our users from email
> address scrapers and the SoBig's of the world.  This has worked well, as you
> can see from
> http://www.hylafax.org/archive/2003-09/maillist.html
> and messages below that page.
> I'm wondering though if it's possible to apply this new functionality to the
> huge back-catalog of monthly archives we have, each with its own separate
> .mhonarc.db file.

Yes and no.  SPAMMODE can be enabled for all older archives.  The only
limitation is that mail addresses in converted message bodies and headers
will not be obscured since that is static data.  All index pages and
dynamic portions of message pages will be affected (use EDITIDX to have
all pages updated).

To deal with the static portions, you will need to write a Perl script.
If you look at a raw mhonarc message page, you will see that there
are special <!--X...--> comments that delimit the converted message
head and body.


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