
A little info on my setup - RedHat Linux, 7.3, up2date Sendmail, MHonArc installed via MHonArc-2.6.8-1.noarch.rpm, mailman-2.0.13, standard RedHat install (Mailman was included with & configured for the distro), using the provided frames.mrc.

After reading the docs, the FAQ's, and searching the archives for an entire day, I'm still having some problems removing unwanted email headers from my archives, per the method documented here...


This FAQ describes EXACTLY what I want to do, the pertinent bits being...

Can I have the message header come after the body?

In general, no. A limitation of MHonArc is that you cannot change the relative order of the resources/message-data in the output (but see other questions in this section). MHonArc expects a specific order so it can edit archived messages when needed w/o using a bunch of logic, and performance degradation (special comment declarations are used to mark off the different sections of a message). Therefore, you cannot have the body come before the message header. The best you can do is suppress the header (via EXCS) and create a bogus header via the resource variables available. For example:

<EXCS override>
<li>From: $FROM$
<li>Subject: $SUBJECTNA$
<li>Date: $DATE$

In v2.6, you can include additional header fields by using the FIELDSTORE resource and the $MSGHFIELD$ resource variable. For example, say you want to include the To: field in the previous example. You can do the following:

<EXCS override>
<li>To: $MSGHFIELD(CUR;to)$
<li>From: $FROM$
<li>Subject: $SUBJECTNA$
<li>Date: $DATE$

My problem is that, as my coding skills are non-existent, I'm not exactly sure how to properly modify my frames.mrc to achieve the desired result.

If I simply paste the new envariables into the frames.mrc in a seemingly logical location, here...

<!--    Mail header formatting.  The default header formatting is
        overridden to use a table for formatting.

<!-- Exclude some fields from messages heads -->

<EXCS override>
<li>From: $FROM$
<li>Subject: $SUBJECTNA$
<li>Date: $DATE$

<!-- Fields labels will be in HTML strong elements -->
<LabelStyles override>

...then all of my headers get removed, but the fields inside the <MsgFoot> </MsgFoot> tags do not appear.

Could anybody be kind enough to help me properly apply the above modification to the frames.mrc?



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