I have made a couple of changes to the set-up, which I'd like to call
your attention to.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
1) I converted the "From:" header to a hyperlink to the contact
form script by editing the resource file. The message ID is
appended to the URL as a query string.

The link has now been replaced with a form button, so that the data gets URI escaped.

2) The contact form script uses the message ID to grab the "From:"
header from .mhonarc.db. This is the script that serves as a
'link' between MHonArc and CGI::ContactForm:


That is now a minimal script. Instead I'm now using a sub module to CGI::ContactForm that 'does the job':


(So far it's a 'quick-and-dirty' fix. I suppose that it would be advisable to URI encode the message ID, for instance.)

Less 'quick-and-dirty' now. :)

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Email: http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl

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