Hi Tim,

I tried the option below and nothing happens - unless I have to place it in a specific part of the RCFILE.

I also tried the other option which you recommended:

m2h_text_plain::filter; attachcheck quote htmlcheck maxwidth=90 target=_blank

This one does wrap the test but the <pre> </pre> tags are still there and it does not make for a good presentation.

I also tried putting in a meta tag defining CONTENT-TYPE and that does not work either.

The email programme I am using shows:

<!-- MHonArc v2.6.8 -->
<!--X-Subject: Forecast for tonight -->
<!--X-From-R13: Freel Oyyl <greelNpqren.bet> -->
<!--X-Date: Fri, 7 May 2004 01:38:31 GMT -->
<!--X-Message-Id: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -->
<!--X-Content-Type: text/plain -->

When I email from another email programme which has

<!--X-Content-Type: multipart/alternative -->

the results are terrible ... all the HTML code is showing up on the page.

REF URL: http://www.cdera.org/weather/cathy

I still need help on this one

-------Original Message-------
> From: Tim Gwinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: Msg body <pre> format
> Sent: 02 May 2004 11:45:10
> Terry,
> I am not
> absolutely sure, but I suspect that the <pre> tags are occurring because
> you are using the default MIMALTPREFS resource settings. According to the docs,
> the default is to prefer plain text. See:
> http://www.mhonarc.org/MHonArc/doc/resources/mimealtprefs.html
> My archive has
> both HTML and plaintext msgs displayed correctly. My RCFILE
> has:
> <!-- Prefer
&gt; html format in multipart MIME msgs
&gt; --><MIMEAltPrefs>text/htmltext/enrichedtext/plain</MIMEAltPrefs>
> Regards,
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----From:
> Behalf Of Terry AllySent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 10:28
> <pre> format
> All messages being archived carry a
> <pre></pre> tag which is problematic for my HTML page. How do I
> remove this tag?
> Secondly, each message carry a footer
> advertisement for MHonArc 2.6.8. Is this mandatory?
> Appreciate assistance.
> Terry
-------Original Message-------

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