Dear Earl,

Thank you veyr much for your assistance. I've finally got MHonArc working satisfactory. To rectify the issues below I've done:

<!-- Prefer html format in multipart MIME msgs -->

m2h_text_plain::filter; attachcheck quote htmlcheck nonfixed

I assume these are correct because everything now works like a dream.

Thank you!


-------Original Message-------
> From: Earl Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: <pre> tags problematic
> Sent: 07 May 2004 15:37:23
> On May 6, 2004 at 23:38, "Terry Ally" wrote:
> > I also tried the other option which you recommended:
> >
> > <MIMEArgs>
> > m2h_text_plain::filter; attachcheck quote htmlcheck maxwidth=90 target=_blank
> > </MIMEArgs>
> Add the "nonfixed" option if you do not want <pre> formatting plain
> text messages.
> > When I email from another email programme which has
> >
> >             <!--X-Content-Type: multipart/alternative -->
> >
> > the results are terrible ... all the HTML code is showing up on the page.
> Check your MIMEFILTERS setting to see if you have the m2h_text_plain
> filter registered for text/html media-type.
> >    >  absolutely sure, but I suspect that the <pre> tags are occurring
> > because
> >    >  you are using the default MIMALTPREFS resource settings. According
> > to the docs,
> >    >  the default is to prefer plain text. See:
> >    >
> Incorrect.  The default setting for MIMEALTPREFS is nil.  Therefore,
> the preference semantics employed are those defined in the MIME
> specification.
> --ewh
-------Original Message-------

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