H. Tan-Tenn wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Tim Gwinn wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Tim Gwinn wrote:
Any thoughts on why mhonarc is not seeing the rcfile.txt?

Yes. It's because the command executed through the 'Add' button does not include the -rcfile option. To have mhonarc read rcfile.txt, and update the archive database with its settings, you can enter this in the "Other MHonArc command" field:

mhonarc -editidx -rcfile $mrc -outdir $archive

Ahh, ok. Alternatively, could I modify the 'Add' option to include the "-rcfile $mrc" command-line options?

There is no need to. Once saved in the archive database, your resource file settings will be applied when adding new messages. You need the -rcfile option only when you want to change a resource.

I specified UTF-8 conversion in my rcfile, yet whenever mhastart's "add" routine is invoked (via the web), conversion is invariably not carried out. When I looked at the archive database I saw


, which looked okay (though I can't be certain).  Also, submitting
the shell command

mhonarc.pl -add -outdir $archive $mbox -rcfile $mrc

always worked.  So I forced the rcfile to be re-read with each -add
by modifying updatearchive, like so:

push @ARGV, ( $mbox, '-rcfile', $mrc ) unless $in{routine} eq

This gave me the expected results but I remain puzzled as to why
this was necessary.  Any insight is appreciated.

Well, as far as I can tell, it *should* not have been necessary, so it sounds like you have jumped at a bug with respect to MHonArc's ability to either save some resource setting needed for UTF-8, or retrieve it when running MHonArc without the -rcfile option. Something for Earl to look into, I suppose.

I believe it would be useful if you let Earl know which MHonArc
version you are running.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Email: http://www.gunnar.cc/cgi-bin/contact.pl

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