I have incorporated _mhonarc_ in my website with Google PR 4 an archive of appr.
1000 pages / month.
After 3 weeks still all of them are blank and stay some days in Google
and then they are gone and come back after some days.

I link from 20 http://mysite.tld/contentXYZ.html pages of that site
with PR 3 to a static archive-sitemap which
points to msg 1, 200, 400, 600 etc. and Google is following that
links as I may see in site:http://mysite.tld +archive-keyword.

I am using a footer to link back to http://mysite.tld and a particular
page: http://mysite.tld/content-keyword1.html

I am afraid, that the thread and date show > 1000 links and will be
ignored or reason of banning.

I found other archives where a message page serveral month old get up
to PR 2, but the first months nothing or PR 1.

Before incorporating mharc, I would like to understand how to modify
the templates:

a.      $PGLINKLIST$ seems a good instrument to strong interlinking in a thread
        Or is there a better interlinking aproach?
b.      mharc is able to group into month or weeks. I would favorate
        weeks, because its shorter: 250 per week instead of 1000 / month
c.      Is there a way to make a  archive-sitemap  canalising the PR
        to the recent messages?
        - link to the last message msg00zzz(that is a dynamic task of mharc)
        - < 50 links (thats the limit told for Google) pointing to
                msg00zzz -50, msg00zzz -100, msg00zzz -150, etc.

Thank you for your support, Claus

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