I'm seeing a little bit of weird behaviour in the Tamil lanaguage. Check out the subject line on the message page, which is fine. Versus the same subject line on the index page, which is rendering incorrectly due to a UTF-8 character being split by whitespace. (This is the lastest message from 2009/03/21). Basically, we get different results between $SUBJECTNA$ and $SUBJECT$, with the former being correct. The more-or-less raw message can be obtained from the Pipermail archive, or I can supply it.
http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-l10n-...@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00617.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-l10n-...@lists.ubuntu.com/maillist.html https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-l10n-tam/ <TextEncode> utf-8; MHonArc::UTF8::to_utf8; MHonArc/UTF8.pm </TextEncode> <LiTemplate> <li> <span class="date">$YYYYMMDD$</span> <span class="subject">$SUBJECT$</span> <span class="sender">$FROMNAME$</span> </LiTemplate> <SubjectHeader> <div class="msgHead"> <h1><span class="subject">$SUBJECTNA:200$</span></h1> <p><span class="sender">$FROMNAME:200$</span><br> <span class="date">$DATE:200$</span></p> </div> </SubjectHeader> # perl -v This is perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi # mhonarc -v MHonArc v2.6.16+ (Perl 5.008008 linux)