On June 20, 1998 at 22:58, "Christopher P. Lindsey" wrote:

> > No.  What you have to do is use a POP3 client to download the mail
> > from the mail server and then pipe the messages to mhonarc.  If
> > looking for a Perl solution, there is a POP3 module available at
> > CPAN.  With it, you should be able to automate the task.
> Another alternative is to use fetchmail to connect to the POP3
> server and pull the messages over to local disk.

I agree that fetchmail is nice (I use it at work -- I am the only one
at work that uses a Unix MUA).  However, I do not think it works under
NT.  The fetchmail home page does not mention anything about an NT
port.  Hence, fetchmail is not an option for the original poster.


             Earl Hood              | University of California: Irvine
      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |      Electronic Loiterer
http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/ | Dabbler of SGML/WWW/Perl/MIME

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