Hi Dave,

I've just been investigating that very matter only last weekend. One way to
get MHonArc to behave the way you want is to use the following command-line

mhonarc -reverse -treverse {... other command-line arguments... }

The "reverse" option is for the Main index, the "treverse" option is for the
Thread index.

If you have an existing archive, you can rewrite the index and message files
with this command. Run it from the directory your archive is stored in.

mhonarc -editidx -reverse -treverse

The new settings will be stored in the database file for your archive, so
that messages added later will retain the desired ordering.

I hope you're not disappointed that I haven't included any lewd comments ;-)



At 11:46 15/02/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Have set up a list with what amounts to the default out of the can configs.
>Would like to know the easiest way to get the list to build itself from the
>most recent to the least recent. Out of the "box" it appears to build the
>HTML lists from the first one it grabs on down. Suggestions? Lewd comments?
><META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type>
><META content='"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=GENERATOR>
><BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
><DIV><SPAN class=20254317-15021999><FONT color=#000000 face=Arial size=2>Have 
>set up a list with what amounts to the default out of the can configs. Would 
>like to know the easiest way to get the list to build itself from the most 
>recent to the least recent. Out of the &quot;box&quot; it appears to build the 
>HTML lists from the first one it grabs on down. Suggestions? Lewd comments? 
>Attachment Converted: D:\Eudora\Attach\Dave Soper.vcf

Kevin Noonan                            
"As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to Hell."
- from 'The Horror Movie Character's Survival Guide'.

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