Title: File Overwriting in 2.3.3

MHonArc 2.3.3 is working for me, but I'm having trouble with the usename and subdir argument-strings, and the icons are not working.  The main problem is that attachments to email messages that have the same name (e.g., comments.doc) overwrite the previous attachment with the same name (comments.doc). 

I thought upgrading to v2.3.3 would solve this, but I'm probably missing something? 

Here's my test archive:  http://www.knowledgeispower.org/output/maillist.html 
Here's the directory contents of the MHonArc output: 

Some Details:


  • Here's the MimeArgs portion of my resource file:
    • <MIMEARGS>
      m2h_external::filter;usename subdir

  • Here's my command line: 
    • ./mhonarc /users/u2/kipower/inbox   -outdir  /users/u2/kipower/public_html/output   -rcfile /users/u2/kipower/mhonarc/progs/mh-rcwsm.rc  -nothread 

  • I'm using Perl5:
    • shell11.ba.best.com% perl5 -v
      This is perl, version 5.004_04 built for i386-freebsd
      Copyright 1987-1997, Larry Wall
      Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
      GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5.0 source kit.

  • The Server:
    • shell11.ba.best.com% uname -a
      FreeBSD shell11.ba.best.com 2.2.8-STABLE FreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE #94: Mon Jan 25 22
      :17:31 PST 1999     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/src/src/sys/compile/BEST  i386

Any help that's provided would be greatly appreciated!

Wade McCartney


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