On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 01:49:16 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank J. Perricone)

> FieldOrder *does* control the order, but the damned Comments field is
> *still* in there.  It's like Comments, In-Reply-To, and References get a
> free ride, slipping past the implicit exclusion of FieldOrder and the
> explicit exclusion of EXCS.  Does this sound familiar to anyone?  It should
> be simple enough:

Actually it looks like it's not even controlling the order; I just happened
to be looking at a message which had the order I wanted when I wrote that. 
But the one I pasted has the wrong order too.  It's like the FIELDORDER tag
isn't taking effect, with or without an override added on.  I have this:

> from
> to
> subject
> date

This is the only thing left I have to get working before I put this up into
production.  I'd really like to hear if anyone has any suggestions for why
both FIELDORDER and EXCS aren't working for me.  I've gone through the docs
for both over and over and I still don't see why they don't do what they'd
seem to do.  I've also read the mailing list archives for the last four
months and haven't seen an answer there either.

If anyone would like to see the complete rcfile, I can send it.  It's 236
lines long though (I customized a fair amount) so I'm not going to send it

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: public key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED], or on my web page


* Frank J. Perricone * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sover.net/~hawthorn
            Prism: http://www.sover.net/~hawthorn/Prism/
Just because we aren't all the same doesn't mean we have nothing in common
 Just because we have something in common doesn't mean we're all the same

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