On April 15, 1999 at 11:45, MEDRALA Claire wrote:

> I just installed MHonArc on my server (UNIX HP). I compiled it("perl
> install.me"). But I don't know what are the parameters, and how I can run
> the software
> What do you suggest ?

>From the README:

    Documentation for MHonArc is located in the doc/ directory.
    The main documentation for MHonArc is in multiple HTML files.
    Load index.html in the doc/ directory into your Web browser to
    get started.

Note, documentation is installed in the path specified during
installation also.

Start by reading the "Quick Start" section of the documentation.
This will get you going with the basics.


             Earl Hood              | University of California: Irvine
      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |      Electronic Loiterer
http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/ | Dabbler of SGML/WWW/Perl/MIME

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