MHonArc is great.  I've used it for years to create indexed web pages
of our staff's abstracts of talks at meetings, using $from for authors,
$subject for title, etc.  Now I need to include a $meeting field with those
index items.  I tried to use a (bogus) "X-meeting:" header field.  First,
straight, then to supply the content to a new variable with <definevar>.
I excluded x-(?!meeting) successfully from the EXCS list and I can
get $x-meeting$ to appear appropriately formatted on the msgpg.
BUT I can't get it to appear in the index, where I really want it to be.
Is there a way to include content of a header field other than $from,
$date, $subject items in the index list  (within LITEMPLATE)?

Many thanks for any suggestions.
Jim Robb

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