On May 23, 1999 at 20:50, Benji Spencer wrote:

> I am looking to find an answer to why Mhonarc would add files via this format
> mhonarc -add -rcfile something -outdir someplace <filename-in

Here, mhonarc will treat input as a *single* message.

> and see those same files (I cleared the db file between these two) as "no
> new files" when done this way
> mhonarc -add -rcfile something -outdir someplace *

Here, mhonarc will treat input as mail folders.  If files, UUCP-style
mailbox files; if directories, MH-style mail folders.

> below you will find some real output of when I try the "*" way.
> mhonarc -add -rcfile /usr/local/etc/mhonarc/news/rcfile/ripco1/alt.perl
> -outdir /tmp/news/2 /tmp/news/*.alt.perl
> Reading resource file: /usr/local/etc/mhonarc/news/rcfile/ripco1/alt.perl ...
> Adding messages to /tmp/news/2
> Reading /tmp/news/001-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/002-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/003-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/004-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/005-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/006-319.alt.perl
> .
> .
> .
> Reading /tmp/news/315-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/316-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/317-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/318-319.alt.perl
> Reading /tmp/news/319-319.alt.perl
> No new messages

Are *.alt.perl plain files?  If so, I would guess that the default MSGSEP
resource does not work for them.  What does a *.alt.perl file look like?


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