On May 31, 1999 at 18:31, "Steve S.C. Yau" wrote:

> I found a problem with MHonArc 2.3.3 that caused IE 4/5 unable to
> display the archived message correctly.

It is not a problem with MHonArc.

> The symptom is that, if the from address or the subject line in a mail
> contains a word "Channel", then IE 4/5 failed to display this mail
> archive. Detailed investigation reveals that in the HTML generated by
> MHonArc, there is a line:
> <!--X-Subject : ... Channel ... -->

This is a problem with IE 4/5.  Why should MHonArc have to be modified
to deal with broken behaviors of IE 4/5?

> Is there any fix without amending the mhamain.pl? I have currently
> commented out the lines that generates these tags.

You've just disable the ability to recover a corrupt database with
the mha-dbrecover utility.  This is the main reason why those comment
declaration are not controlable via resources.

The comments are legal to all HTML, XML, and SGML standards.  If another
product cannot deal with them properly, then it is a problem with
that product.

The only potential modification to MHonArc behavior of putting the comments
at the top is for those people using MHonArc to generate server-side
parsed pages where it is essential that special server-side markup must
occur at the very beginning.


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