I'm working to the new French Unified Modeling Language site on the web,
and I use the MhonArc Programm to archive the mail
In my MhonArc RCFile, I wan't make a French menu for the messages pages.

I wan't change the name of the links and the color of the page.
I have changed the links to Prev/Next Page of Thread and Date with the
next Command:
                        <NextButton chop>
                        <a href="msg$NEXTMSGNUM$.html>Date Suivante</a>
                        <NextButtonIA chop
                        Date Suivante
Here I'm using the NextButton command,  wich is the command associated
to go up on the Thread or the Date Index
 I don't change the name of the links of Thread Index or Date Index
What is the complete code to go to the two pages (with the command), or
to change the name of the link.

Can I Change the  names  of the summery of the Bottom of the msg page?
                Prev by Date            -->  Prochain par date
                Next by Date            --> Suivant par date
                Prev by Thread          ........
                Next by Thread
                Indexes                        Index par dates
                                                      Index par
thèmes        (this is two links)

For the color, I wan't to change the background color of the all pages
generate by MHonArc, can I make this in the RCFile?

Thanks a lot......

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