MHonArc Users,

If you are not interested in performance issues with MHonArc, then
just delete this message.  If you are interested, read on.

I ran Devel::DProf on MHonArc to generate some performance stats.
The tests were executed on a PentiumII 350Mhz 128MB RAM running RedHat
Linux 5.2 (with an upgraded kernel: 2.2.9).  Note, RAM is not an issue
unless there is no more free RAM available and swapping must occur.

The main run was on the MHonArc list archives ranging from 1995-12
to 1999-05, totaling 2963 messages with the upcoming v2.4.0 of MHonArc.
The following run uses the default settings of MHonArc:

    Total Elapsed Time = 166.8272 Seconds
             User Time = 156.9349 Seconds
    Exclusive Times
    %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
     25.7   40.43 80.087 120873   0.0003 0.0007  mhonarc::replace_li_var
     11.9   18.66 19.369   2992   0.0062 0.0065  m2h_text_plain::filter
     6.66   10.45 10.182  79383   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::compute_msg_pos
     6.26   9.827  9.819   3030   0.0032 0.0032  readmail::MAILread_file_header
     6.08   9.537  9.529   3194   0.0030 0.0030  readmail::MAILread_header
     5.52   8.668 12.971  62718   0.0001 0.0002  readmail::MAILdecode_1522_str
     5.36   8.404 63.535   2963   0.0028 0.0214  mhonarc::output_mail
     4.61   7.227  6.858 106405   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::urlize
     3.76   5.897 28.851   2974   0.0020 0.0097  mhonarc::htmlize_header
     3.24   5.088  4.347 212227   0.0000 0.0000  mhonarc::get_time_from_index
     3.05   4.787 12.587  11355   0.0004 0.0011  mhonarc::mailUrl
     2.63   4.134  8.327      3   1.3779 2.7758  mhonarc::sort_messages
     2.07   3.249  2.990  74187   0.0000 0.0000  mhonarc::htmlize
     1.83   2.879  2.441 125493   0.0000 0.0000  readmail::load_charset
     1.71   2.679  2.526  43899   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::exclude_field

Only the date and thread indexes were generated.
mhonarc::replace_li_var took the most total time, however each call
is fairly quick.  Since mhonarc::replace_li_var evaluates resource
variables in resources, there is very little that can be done to reduce
the number of calls to the function.  If you think it can be in-lined,
that would be very difficult; mhonarc::replace_li_var is quite lengthy

Now, the following runs are to test the improvements in subject and
author sorting in v2.4.0 from v2.3.3.  The sort tests were done
on the archive created in the main test by using the -scan option
with the appropriate sorting option (either -subsort or -authsort).

Subject Sorting (-scan -subsort): v2.3.3

    Total Elapsed Time = 6.289467 Seconds
             User Time = 5.909467 Seconds
    Exclusive Times
    %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
     44.0   2.604  2.738      1   2.6038 2.7377  mhonarc::sort_messages
     24.8   1.470  1.740      3   0.4900 0.5799  mhonarc::BEGIN
     13.0   0.770  0.758   2963   0.0003 0.0003  mhonarc::time2mmddyy
     5.42   0.320  0.308   2963   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::extract_email_name
     5.35   0.316  4.120      1   0.3163 4.1202  mhonarc::scan
     2.71   0.160  0.134   6542   0.0000 0.0000  mhonarc::get_time_from_index
     2.03   0.120  0.120      1   0.1200 0.1200  mhonarc::get_last_msg_num
     0.85   0.050  0.050      2   0.0250 0.0250  AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD
     0.85   0.050  0.070      1   0.0500 0.0698  mhonarc::initialize
     0.34   0.020  0.060     10   0.0020 0.0060  Getopt::Long::BEGIN
     0.17   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::create_routines
     0.17   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::mhinit_vars
     0.17   0.010  0.010      5   0.0020 0.0020  Exporter::export
     0.17   0.010  0.010      6   0.0017 0.0017  vars::import
     0.17   0.010  0.010      3   0.0033 0.0033  Getopt::Long::FindOption
Subject Sorting (-scan -subsort): v2.4.0

    Total Elapsed Time = 3.839134 Seconds
             User Time = 3.699134 Seconds
    Exclusive Times
    %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
     40.0   1.480  1.689     10   0.1480 0.1689  mhonarc::BEGIN
     19.1   0.710  0.695   2963   0.0002 0.0002  mhonarc::time2mmddyy
     11.2   0.417  0.625      1   0.4173 0.6246  mhonarc::sort_messages
     9.46   0.350  0.335   2963   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::extract_email_name
     7.84   0.290  1.945      1   0.2904 1.9453  mhonarc::scan
     6.49   0.240  0.207   6542   0.0000 0.0000  mhonarc::get_time_from_index
     2.97   0.110  0.110      1   0.1100 0.1100  mhonarc::get_last_msg_num
     1.89   0.070  0.080      1   0.0700 0.0797  mhonarc::initialize
     1.35   0.050  0.050      2   0.0250 0.0250  AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD
     0.81   0.030  0.050     10   0.0030 0.0050  Getopt::Long::BEGIN
     0.27   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::create_routines
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      1   0.0000      -  AutoLoader::import
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      4   0.0000      -  Exporter::export
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      1   0.0000      -  Getopt::Long::ConfigDefaults
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      3   0.0000      -  Exporter::import

[NOTE: Apparently Devel::DProf does not list the routine calls of
       sort compare routines passed to Perl's sort(), but it does list
       any functions called within the compare routine.  The culprit in
       the slower performance in v2.3.3 (and earlier versions) is
       how the comparison function does its job. ]

Once can see that the speed increase is quite significant.  This
will be beneficial for users that generate subject indexes.

Author Sorting (-scan -authsort): v2.3.3

    Total Elapsed Time = 10.85953 Seconds
             User Time = 10.69957 Seconds
    Exclusive Times
    %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
     56.6   6.058  5.777  70699   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::extract_email_name
     20.1   2.154  8.278      1   2.1538 8.2777  mhonarc::sort_messages
     13.4   1.440  1.680      3   0.4800 0.5599  mhonarc::BEGIN
     7.76   0.830  0.818   2963   0.0003 0.0003  mhonarc::time2mmddyy
     6.54   0.700  0.595  26294   0.0000 0.0000  mhonarc::get_time_from_index
     2.86   0.306  9.650      1   0.3063 9.6502  mhonarc::scan
     1.03   0.110  0.110      1   0.1100 0.1100  mhonarc::get_last_msg_num
     0.47   0.050  0.050      2   0.0250 0.0250  AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD
     0.47   0.050  0.070      1   0.0500 0.0698  mhonarc::initialize
     0.19   0.020  0.020      2   0.0100 0.0100  lib::BEGIN
     0.19   0.020  0.040     10   0.0020 0.0040  Getopt::Long::BEGIN
     0.09   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::create_routines
     0.09   0.010  0.010      5   0.0020 0.0020  Exporter::export
     0.09   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::mhinit_vars
     0.09   0.010  0.010      2   0.0050 0.0050  Time::Local::BEGIN

Author Sorting (-scan -authsort): v2.4.0

    Total Elapsed Time = 4.700067 Seconds
             User Time = 4.565324 Seconds
    Exclusive Times
    %Time ExclSec CumulS #Calls sec/call Csec/c  Name
     31.7   1.450  1.689     10   0.1450 0.1689  mhonarc::BEGIN
     17.9   0.818  1.657      1   0.8183 1.6567  mhonarc::sort_messages
     16.6   0.760  0.747   2963   0.0003 0.0003  mhonarc::time2mmddyy
     15.7   0.720  0.602  26294   0.0000 0.0000  mhonarc::get_time_from_index
     11.1   0.510  0.483   5926   0.0001 0.0001  mhonarc::extract_email_name
     8.17   0.373  3.023      1   0.3733 3.0233  mhonarc::scan
     2.63   0.120  0.120      1   0.1200 0.1200  mhonarc::get_last_msg_num
     1.31   0.060  0.080      1   0.0600 0.0797  mhonarc::initialize
     1.10   0.050  0.050      2   0.0250 0.0250  AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD
     0.66   0.030  0.050     10   0.0030 0.0050  Getopt::Long::BEGIN
     0.22   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::OSinit
     0.22   0.010  0.010      1   0.0100 0.0100  mhonarc::create_routines
     0.22   0.010  0.010      2   0.0050 0.0050  Time::Local::BEGIN
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      1   0.0000      -  Getopt::Long::ConfigDefaults
     0.00   0.000 -0.000      3   0.0000      -  Exporter::import

Author sorting speed approvement is quite drastic.  The big reduction
is in the number of calls to mhonarc::extract_email_name.  In v2.4.0
mhonarc::extract_email_name is called only once per message in
mhonarc::sort_messages (the reason it shows up twice the number of
messages above is that it is called for each message when generating
the -scan output).  In v2.3.3, mhonarc::extract_email_name is called
67736 (70699 - 2963) times within mhonarc::sort_messages.


P.S.  I am unsure what mhonarc::BEGIN is all about.  v2.3.3 does
not even defined any BEGIN blocks, and v2.4.0 only has one.

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