Paul I've been floundering around with this too but lack your
experience with mhonarc.  I hope by me chiming  in it will help get a
clearer understanding.  I think I have wilma and mhoharc setup right
but cannot get glimpse working.

I've tried many setups without success.  The one described below is my
impression of what the Wilma README lays out.  I've moved things
around in many configs but when I run wilma_reindex I get a prompt
back immediately and nothing what-so-ever happens.

It would really be nice if someone who has this working would show in
detail how they are setup!

Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Suppose I've got the output from MHonArc sitting here:
> That directory has an index file and a bunch of msg000xx.html files.
Do you really mean "file" here or directory.  The wilma docs suggest
an "index" directory for the glimpse files.  (You are using glimpse
too right?)                          

> I've installed wilma's cgi files, and did my best to install wilma. I
> figured to put the wilma stuff in 
> and I put the index directory under there.

So it looks like http://blah/~kups/maillist/wilma/index ?  What is in
"wilma"?  The cgi scripts that have no dot or the config scripts that
do? Or both?

I set up a little different but am also having trouble so may be


The wilma perl scripts (no dot) are in cgi-bin, which is a subdir of
"me" above.  
The .wilma directory containing the cf and rc files are a  subdir of
cgi-bin. The index dir is a sub redhat-list.arc, but haven't
been able to generate any ".glimpse_* files in it yet.

May not be important but I understood the README to be saying t
the .wilma directory was  to be placed in a cgi directory along with the
wilma perl scripts.

"1)  Copy the wilma* files to a suitable CGI directory . . . "
"3)  Create a subdirectory named .wilma where you installed the Wilma
    files. This directory is where the configuration files for the
    archives are kept. "

> WHat I can't seem to get right is the configuration of the files for
> Wilma because I do not understand their terms (which it assumes are
> defined, but I can't see where). Is there some unspoken assumption that
> the wilma directory is the same as the directory where mhonarc writes
> its files? it seems like the answer must be yes???
>  In other words, will you please tell me what to put here in
> .wilma/ I don't get what it means by "HTML archive
> directory". Current mhonarc or HTML dir built by wilma???
Here is what I've done line for line (my listdir is named redhat-list.arc)
> LIST = your_list_name

LIST = redhat-list.arc

> # [ wilma ]
> # The title text for the list
> TITLE = A Sample List Title

TITLE = redhat-list archive

> # [ wilma wilma_reindex wilma_hiliter ]
> # Pathname of the HTML archive directory (not including the archive
> # directory itself).
> ARC_DIR = /path/to/your/$LIST.w3archive
> # [ wilma ]

ARC_DIR = /home/reader/public_html/rh/

> ARC_URL = /your/$LIST.w3archive

ARC_URL = /rh

> # [ wilma_reindex ]
> # Pathname of the raw mail list archive directory if different than the
> # HTML archive. Leave blank if the same.
> ARC_MBOX = /path/to/your/$LIST.archive


> # [ wilma wilma_reindex ]
> # A Perl regular expression returning the year and month numbers
> # in $1 and $2, respectively, from the HTML archive directory
> # name. Backslashes must be doubled due to configuration variable
> # interpolation.
> ARC_REGEX  = ((?:19|20)?\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)$

ARC_REGEX  = ((?:19|20)?\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)$
>  ...
> # [ wilma_glimpse ]
> # Pathname of the archive index directory.
> INDEX_DIR = $ARC_DIR/index

INDEX_DIR = $ARC_DIR/redhat-list.arc/index

> -- 
> Paul E. Johnson                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Dept. of Political Science  
> University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
> Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700

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