On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 12:49:05 -0700 
Earl Hood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On July 11, 2000 at 08:53, J C Lawrence wrote:
>> I have the same problem with MHonArc throwing out PHP variable
>> assigment files: Occassionally people send messages containing
>> control characters (^X, ^Z, and ^_ seem to be popular) amd PHP
>> burps on them (message in syslog).Currently I'm using a
>> post-process sed script to whack the unwanted characters.

> I guess PHP is not liberal about what is allowed in strings.

Actually its a here file problem.  I filed a bug and pushed it to a,
"Well, yeah, we really should provide a couple modes for here files
ala perl/bash."  They wer going to just take it as a stated
limitation for PHP here files.  Its really not hurting me at the
moment; the archived message in question displays less well than I'd
like (lines tend to get cropped), but it does display, and nothing

> A more efficient solution is to modify the text filters to strip
> out, or replace, non-printable characters.  

Aye, that does sound the correct long term approach.

> Probably make it optional since it will not be safe for cases
> where control codes are part of the character set (like Japanese
> messages).  Hmmmm, it may have to be associated with character
> sets.

This exposes a more general problem.  I have a fairly international
subscriber base, many of whom post in non ISO-8859 codepages, and
statistically are also the most likely to post messages containing
spurious control characters (that are not part of their base
character set, eg ^X).  Lotsa codepages there.

> For individual cases, you could add a line to the text filter(s)
> to remove non-printable characters if it is safe to do so for
> messages you archive.

I'll have to look into this (not a perl person at all).

J C Lawrence                                 Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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