"Takashi P.KATOH" wrote:
> > Instead of answering your question, I would like to ask you a question.
> > What should be the correct "charset" parameter of HTML files generated
> > by MHonArc?
> Sorry but I don't understand what you mean.
> More precisely, I don't understand the relation between my
> question and yours.
> In fact, what I'm talking about is NOT the charset of HTML
> messages but how treat (process) multi-byte characters in
> MHonArc.

If you want to understand what I mean, you should understand the relationship
between charset of HTML messages and how to treat multi-byte characters in
  HTML generators like MHonArc are responsible to provide a mean to avoid
character encoding chimera state in HTML files.  Otherwise, specifications
of HTML or xhtml have to be enhanced to allow such chimera files.  If you
do this with xhtml, even XML specification should be enhanced.  I would
say, that is impossible.
  Practically, that means MHonArc is responsible to provide a mean to generate
UTF-8 files on user's choice.  I thought EUC-JP is an alternative to UTF-8,
but I am thinking of withdrawing the patch, and resubmitting a patch to
generate UTF-8 files.

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