Hello John,

On 26-Apr-00, John S. Burger wrote:

>> Yeah, that would work.  I never even thought of it until it was
>> mentioned here.

>> So, how about it Holger?  :-)

> Not trying to start a flame war but, since it is documented is it that
> much trouble to reinstall the patches? It took me about 2 min.

No, it is not that much trouble to re install BUT it IS one of those slap
your foreheadnagging problems.  As for documented, yes it is but again most
Amiga people do WAY more with their machines than run a single program or
two.  I would have well over 200 manuals to read through and to seach out
something you knew was working till you did something else sometimes is
quite a search, especially with the system depending on something as flakey
as MUI.  My last errors in installing new software were all related to some
new MUI mcc or other and were not touched by reading the manual of the
program I was upgrading or installing.  Miami is different that way in that
it generally is throughly tested before release and if there are little
niggling problems they are genreally cleared up in the first couple of
hours on the list and normally by the author himself!  Very NICE bit of
software and excellent support;  could almost be trademaked by Miami!  I
might remember this patch next time but then again, as old as my brain
cells are getting I still may forget that I had patched those libs back in
my youth and have the same trouble again.  It would be nice if the install
script told you at least that you were running patch libraries and that you
needed to reinstall the patches for same function.  At least it would be in
the front of your brain!

73 de N7PSV 

 JW's Lil Shoppe            JW Olson #-N7PSV-#           (509)525-5582
 340 S. 4th Ave.             sysop TA#2153 of        BBS (509)522-8485
 Walla Walla Wa. 99362  The Inner Circle BBS    FAX (509)522-4243
 Member Team AMIGA    http://www.internetnw.net/~jolson


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