On 30-Apr-00, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

> Is there any chat solution for local networks that works on different
> platforms (Amiga, Win, Mac, Linux)?

 Only IRC.

> I thought about talk, putting AmTalk in WBStartup and also for Linux no
> problem, enough talk clients there. But what about Windows 98? I found a
> ton of chat and talk tools in internet, but they all seemed to use some
> mysterious own protocol and have ton of features I am not interested
> into.

 Speaking of that, does any talk clients exist for Amiga? AmTalk seems to
only support ntalk, which means it's useless for me when I want to start a
talk with my friends at the local university. :-(

> I want something thats able to pop a window like "Well I am online now"
> or "I want to go offline now" and give ability for easy chatting between
> to persons... oh well, group chat would also not be that bad... for
> Amiga meetings.

 Sorry, but the only solutions that works with all the platforms you
mentioned at the moment is IRC, ICQ and talk. ICQ requires the ICQ
servers, thus you must be online. And talk doesn't supply the
online/offline state information. Well, neither does IRC, but at least
most clients support polling for that info. I wonder why some notify
mechanism hasn't been built into the IRC protocols.

> For such stuff I usually installed a IRC server, but without DNS the
> delays are horrible.

 Why's that? I have Oliver Wagner's IRC server port installed with no
significant problems/delays. I don't remember if I've tried it offline,
though. I guess it's not possible to disable reverse DNS lookups on
connecting clients? Hmm, then we just need an intelligent DNS server for
the Amiga. ;-)

Jacob Laursen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


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