Dear all,

I'm brand new to MiamiDx so I'm sorry if these is a well know question....

I have:
- configured MiamiDx Autoconnect from suspend with any traffic
- configured MiamiDx Autoconnect from offline with local traffic
- I've saved one DNS server without reference to any interface
- I've added the example filters from the doc

When I start my Thor autoconnect script the SendMail never work, it seems
like the first cmd is "lost" but the others are processed correctly. Like the
"traffic" created by Thor is not handled correctly by the Autoconnect

This is my Thor script:

Thor:bin/SendTCP >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname3         PUBSCREEN default
Thor:bin/SendTCP >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname2         PUBSCREEN default
Thor:bin/SendTCP >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname1         PUBSCREEN default

Thor:bin/GetTCP  >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname3 GETONLY NoNews PUBSCREEN default
Thor:bin/GetTCP  >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname2 GETONLY PUBSCREEN default
Thor:bin/GetTCP  >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname1 GETONLY PUBSCREEN default

Thor:bin/GetTCP  >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname3 PARSEONLY      PUBSCREEN default
Thor:bin/GetTCP  >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname2 PARSEONLY      PUBSCREEN default
Thor:bin/GetTCP  >nil: BBSNAME $TCPname1 PARSEONLY      PUBSCREEN default

Anybody using Thor can give me some clues? :-)

    Ciao, Giangi
/MotorCycle travels/
(PGP key available, send email with "PGP Key request" in subject)
Thanks to the Italian law 675/96 regarding the *privacy* it's absolutely
forbidden to use my address for unsolicited messages. Even if this address
has been extracted from /public domain/ sites/newsgroups.
~~:-(   net.flame


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