Hello list.

I have for around a week to setup a small lan, cosisting of an amiga
2000/040 with os 3.5 and a x-surf ethernet card using miamidx 1.0c and a
486 with win3.11, a trust isa ethernet combi card and trumpet winsock 3.0d
and a packet driver.

Amiga: ip= subnet=
Pc:    ip= subnet=

First I tried to use bnc connection (with t-adaptors and terminators), but
there came even not a light in any of the cards no matter what I did, so
lately I changed the caple to 10baseT (with a crossover cable and no hub
even though that is not recomended). That turned on the lights, but I still
can' ping one computor from the other. I suspuct that oen or both the cards
have defects but I am not sure. I cant configure the pc card with the dos
program that comes with it. It runs, and when I choose configuration it
shows the configuration, but i cant change anything. The card passes all
the test that the conf. program does.

The X-Surftest program shows this output: 

xsurf testprg V1.2 (13.12.1999)

Searching for xsurf card (VEN_ID=4626, PROD_ID=23)....found
Board address = 0xec0000

ISA Plug and Pray [ähm] Play setup...
01-CARD VendorID = 0x19808c4a SerNr=0x19bb46 CRC==xd1
Setup PNP card...

Searching for RTL8019 at 0x300...found!
Testing 16bit memory...false!


[48] [65] [6c] [6c] [6f] [20] [48] [65] 
[69] [67] [61] [20] [53] [70] [65] [61] 

[72] [65] [20] [49] [73] [20] [41] [6d] 
[6b] [69] [6e] [67] [20] [21] [21] [21] 


[48] [67] [6c] [6e] [6f] [22] [48] [67] 
[69] [67] [61] [22] [53] [72] [65] [63] 

[72] [67] [20] [4b] [73] [22] [41] [6f] 
[6b] [6b] [6e] [67] [20] [23] [21] [23] 

If anybody can give a hint or two, then I would very much apriciate it.

Thanks in advance

Kind regards
Anders Gottlieb               Member of  Team *Amiga*


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