
I downloaded the package mico-cl8-15.05.06.zip and successfully compiled
it with VS 2005.  I'm also able to successfully run micod.  However, when
I run an imr command, even just the imr list command, I get a popup window
with the following information:

Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: C:\Evans\..\mico\bin\micod.exe
File: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\vector
Line: 756

Expression: vector subscript out of range

For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.

(Press Retry to debug the application)

Any idea why the imr/micod is causing this error.  I do not get the error
with VS 2003, the imr works as expected.



> Mico is not compiling correctly under Visual C++ v8. In particular when
executing idl.exe a dialog box appears stating, "Can not find
I just installed the VS Express from the link below, also Platform SDK ,
added the correct paths to INCLUDE and LIB.

I compiled successfully this package of MICO:

IDL does not crash, the manifests are added correctly ...
I have absolutely no problem ...

> I have read a previous mico-devel post discussing this problem:
> I have made the following change to the idl makefile:
> idl.exe: main.obj $(DLL_OBJS)
>       $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) main.obj  $(DLL_OBJS) \
>               /subsystem:console  $(LIBS) ole32.lib \
>               /out:idl.exe \
>               /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:"idl.exe.intermediate.manifest"   <--- 
> Added
>         mt.exe /outputresource:"idl.exe;1" /manifest
idl.exe.intermediate.manifest  <--- Added
> idl$(VERSION).dll: $(DLL_OBJS) idl$(VERSION).def
>       $(LINK) $(LINKDLLFLAGS) $(DLL_OBJS) ole32.lib $(LIBS) \
>               /out:idl$(VERSION).dll \
>               /def:idl$(VERSION).def \
>               /MANIFEST 
> /MANIFESTFILE:"idl$(VERSION).dll.intermediate.manifest"  
<--- Added
>         mt.exe /outputresource:"idl$(VERSION).dll;2" /manifest
idl$(VERSION).dll.intermediate.manifest   <--- Added

Those options marked as "Added" are not needed ... The manifests are
added with the command mt called with special params ...
        $(MT) -manifest idl.exe.manifest -outputresource:idl.exe;#1
        $(MT) -manifest idl$(VERSION).dll.manifest

Just to make sure the order is correct, I have changed the
idl/makefile.win32 a little. Please find it attached. Just replace your
existing one.

> and now when executing idl.exe I get a dialog box that states, "idl.exe
has encountered a problem and needs to close."
> I don't know if it will help, but the 'Error signature' states:
> AppName: idl.exe    AppVer:   ModName: msvcr80.dll
> ModVer: 8.0.50727.42      Offset: 00008890
I think I know why you get this error. You are using the wrong
msvcr80.dll. Just make a search after this dll. You will find a lot of
them .. one for each processor and for each build type (32 or 64 b).

Please execute from Platform SDK the "SetEnv.Cmd" from the window where
you executed vsvars32.bat of VSTUDIO.
Or better, just add in the above batch file something like this:

call "<path>\Microsoft Platform SDK\SetEnv.Cmd /XP32"
or .. see the other params.
Note: the default target is DEBUG.

Note: we haven't tested yet MICO compiled native on 64b.

> Can you help? If you do not have Visual C++ v8 you can get a free
version at http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/visualc/download/
> Thank you so much,
> Brian Heilig


Sorin Mustaca
Website: http://www.mustaca.de

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