Mark Pilgrim wrote:

Based on Wordpress 2.0.2.  No changes were required in the Wordpress
code; it already marks up categories with rel="tag", and everything
else could be done in my theme files.

One question: does the vCard need to be inside the hentry?  Because
mine isn't, and it would be inconvenient (though not impossible) to
move it.  I see something on the wiki about a "nearest in parent"
algorithm, but I missed the discussion about it and I'm not
comprehending the sample code at the moment.

It's looking good to me -- I'm just putting the finishing touches on a version of the AUMFP for hAtom 0.1. Here's what I'm seeing right now (hopefully this isn't too obtuse):

{'@index': 'hentry-1',
 'author': [{'@index': 'vcard-1',
             u'fn': u'Mark Pilgrim',
             '': u'Pilgrim',
             'n.given-name': u'Mark',
             u'url': u'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'}],
 u'bookmark': u'',
u'entry-content': u'<p>It\u2019s time for me to find a new hobby. Preferably one that\ndoesn\u2019t involve angle brackets. Or computers. Or\nelectricity.</p>',
 u'entry-title': u'Every exit',
 'tag': [{'@index': 'tag-1',
          u'name': u'general',
u'uri': u''}]}

The algorithm kinda sucks and is misnamed as Dimitri notes. Here's what I'm doing now.

Basic loop -- look through parents:
- look at the parent of the 'entry' for a "proper hCard"
- if any hCards found, use all of them
- if not found, repeat on the parent of the parent

Definition of a "proper hCard":
- it must be an <address>
- it must have class 'author'
- it must not be in an entry

This is a little more comprehensible. The next change I would suggest (for 0.2) is that the (hcard author) should be findable inside of an <address> element.

Regards, etc...

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