Hi The code below is from Tantek's own website which I looked at as part of my learning and a few things confused me.
1. Tantek's book reviews are inside a vcard -why? (see below) I would have thought they would have been inside an hreview. The only reason I can think of it because hreview does not seem to have a rel= field although the hreview creator does allow a nested vcard inside the hreview if you choose the item to be a person. So is this a way to embed the authors hcard and thus a rel= statement about the author? Although as Tantek has mentioned before would this rel= statement be confused with me having a relationship to the book? So I am not sure how you could embedd the author's hcard within the review and thus the rel= Or is this not possible which is why Tantek has created a vcard for a book review? <ol><li class="vcard"><cite><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735713286/ref% 3Dnosim/theroguelibra-20/103-9009587-4105435"><img src="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0735713286.01.THUMBZZZ.jpg" alt="Web Design On A Shoe String" /></a></cite> <a class="url" href="http://roguelibrarian.com" rel="friend colleague met"><abbr class="fn" title="Carrie Bickner">CB</abbr></a></li> 2. Also I noted that the class=hreview for this microformat not vreview. Would it not make sense to have class=hcard and class=hevent to make things consistent? I'm sure this has been discussed before. 3. I know it is possible to embed a picture URL within an event listing using <img src= .../> but is this part of the hcalendar microformat? I cannot find a reference. There is a photo url for the hcard and so I thought of just using the hcard for my event listings bcause often there is an event logo and it would be good to include this in my event blog list. 4. Final observations from a newbie. The tails add-in for FF is great but it does not pick up the times within the hcalendar Microformat? Also Tantek's hcalendar creator does not work with IE7 but does with FF 1.5+ any reason? Thanks Sam _______________________________________________ microformats-discuss mailing list microformats-discuss@microformats.org http://microformats.org/mailman/listinfo/microformats-discuss