On May 1, 2006, at 2:29 AM, Joe Andrieu wrote:

You have to at least start parsing the html document in order to know which profiles are used.


The presumption here is that processing is cheap and undirected.

There's no way to download only the DOCTYPE or the <head> of a document, and processing is cheaper than bandwidth. Once you've already downloaded a whole document, you might as well parse it all because the <head> might be wrong about what's in the <body>.

See Kaboodle[1] or Backpack[2] or Scrapbook[3] for examples where
realtime, directed parsing is useful.

[A] http://www.kaboodle.com
[B] http://www.backpackit.com
[C] http://amb.vis.ne.jp/mozilla/scrapbook/

Basically, all of these could be seen as variants on Live Clipboard.

Right, but these all work client-side, where the document is already completely loaded. Many microformat parsers work server-side.

If there are only a handful of Microformats and they are all well- known, (and we have effectively hijacked the "class" default namespace), then the
processing should be manageable.

It is manageable.  It's just not worth doing because:

1) the whole document is already downloaded, which is the largest burden
2) <head>s lie.

But if there are thousands or tens of thousands of Microformats-- and yes, I know this presumption is at odds with some of the expectations behind a socially moderated namespace--in that scenario, it is easy to calculate the difference of running a single attribute check for "microformat" instead of
checking against the entire Microformats space.

This was what I meant when I asked "How do Microformats scale?"

Microformats scale by re-use. Thousands or tens of thousands of microformats is an anti-goal.

I don't believe we are in the latter situation where we need tight
coordination as in a protocol.

We need tight coordination as in a dictionary. A formal definition of a shared lexicon is what allows us to communicate with new symbols. You can use whatever class names you want, but if I don't know what they mean, I can't parse them, and a profile doesn't tell me what they mean, it just tells me whether they follow a certain syntactic structure. Profiles are like a grammar check, but we still need a dictionary.

Instead, what we need is a simple way for
human authors to say "This is what I mean".

Profiles don't do that. No technology does that. That's an incredibly complex problem that no one has yet solved. When they do, we'll have usable machine translation, artificial intelligence, and microformats will be the least of our worries.

There is value in forging a tight class of well understood, easily human authored, semantic tags. However, Allowing rich variation on the existing classes doesn't "split" the community--the community is the social network,
not the semantic space.

In practice, social networks require shared understanding of what things mean. The lack of this shared understanding leads to civil war in the real world, and unused specs in the tech world.

Instead, it allows exploration and differentiation,
which ultimately can be incorporated back into the foundation classes. More
importantly, it allows user-driven innovation.

You can already explore and develop your own specs. But if you want someone else to understand them, you have to explain to them what the spec means in clear human language. Machines don't understand. People understand. Clear human language is easier to accomplish in community than in isolation.

I think it is hubris to expect that the first adopted version of a
microformat is the orthodox way to do it and that variations are heresy.

It would be if microformats, or dictionaries, did much more than document and formalize existing use. Do you find hubris in dictionaries as well? Who is this Webster to tell us what "dog" means? He's someone who documented how a lot of people use the word "dog" and wrote it down in a dictionary, just like we're documenting how a bunch of people mark up citations, and writing it down in a wiki.

If our mantra includes basing our developments on real-world
examples, then how does the spec evolve if we don't have real-world examples
of derivative implementations?

We have a web full of real-world data publishing examples.

Without variations, we risk stagnation.

No one is preventing anyone from using whatever class names they want. No one is preventing anyone from telling others what their class names mean. But no one has invented a technology to automate shared meaning. We can't use it because it doesn't exist.

I think the type of disambiguation I am talking about can be addressed with
a simple microformat="profile" attribute.

Have you looked at profile URIs?


That accomplishes exactly what your microformat="profile" would, except it's valid XHTML. But neither accomplish shared meaning, which despite great effort, is still a human problem that requires human solutions.

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