On May 8, 2006, at 3:28 PM, brian suda wrote:

Please have a look and let me know your feedback, i'm open to
suggestions - it is still a very early iteration so if you find mistakes
let me know and i'll correct them. (There have been requests to make
this an HTML document, and i probably will, but for a first run i can
get more minute control if i make things PDFs, as well, any changes will
get folded back into the wiki page[1])


Looks good. Some quick thoughts and nitpicks:

- I think the author/address markup issues that frequently come up should be addressed somewhere on the page, as with allowed date formats and abbr usage.
- perhaps mention the spec version of each format, or status
- I'm not sure how to represent the "should" and the "used/required if X doesn't exist" relationships in the spec easily. - I think there's probably more to rel-tag that should be conveyed, and maybe similar cases with others (directory?) though I'm not as familiar with them. Not sure how to do it in the space, I know its a cheat sheet. - does type still only apply to adr when its in hcard and not standalone? I haven't read the docs in a few months.

On a more visual note I would like to see how the other formats like adr and geo would work broken out.. I know there isn't lot of room, but if you could pull it off and add some inset boxes or lines showing how some formats are reused in the space I think one could get a lot more information from the page just at a glance.

and lastly two non- content comments:
- i'd name the file something different.. maybe mf-cheatsheet.pdf or something.. don't want to lose it among the 2043820 other cheat sheets people have been creating. - it printed on one page for me, but the bottom two lines of the legend got cutoff... printing from apple preview to my epson 820. maybe its my setup, but something to watch (top and side margins were fine)

[ Chris Casciano ]
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