On Jun 11, 2006, at 1:03 PM, Michael Leikam wrote:

As I understand it, well-formed XHTML is required when
authoring content because it needs to be rendered by user
agents (e.g., browsers) in a human-friendly way *and*
parsable by XML tools (like Brians X2V parser, which uses
XSLT to reformat the content).  If these conditions were
not required, we could author content in HTML or XML.

Why does your parser need to have valid XHTML input instead
of working with valid XML?  If you loosen your input
requirement for the parser, you can do your inclusions
first and pass valid XML (but invalid XHTML) to your

Oops. I was mixing up two different tools I'm working on. My current parser does only require valid XML, so disregard my question.


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