On 23 Jun 2006, at 02:32, brian suda wrote:

Today on IRC[1], we talked briefly about the Microformats Logo and how
it is setup to be a Community Mark. Tantek pointed to Chris Messina's
original post about the idea of a community mark[2].

I really do like the idea, it fits nicely with everything that we are
doing here as a community, but i do have some reservations and
questions. Hopefully, as a community we can help clarify what a
"community mark" (cm) really is?

The recent brouhaha over the feed icon might be a good point of reference.

In short, Mozilla claimed they had some kind of right over the new 'standard' feed icon - which they probably do - and have applied for a trade mark. This annoyed pretty much everyone, whom I believe really saw the icon as something more akin to what we call a CM.

The current state of play is Mozilla are trying to retrospectively Do The Right Thing and have come up with a set of usage guidelines that don't seem too restrictive (at a quick read):

Perhaps this sort of thing (guidelines, not trade marks) could work well for community marks. However, perhaps the guidelines should be open to annotation, and a formalised periodic review. So if lots of people annotated the same point to say "x doesn't work for me, could we change this to y?", then that change should be incorporated into a revision.

Real world example: the feed icon guidelines set a minimum icon size of 16 pixels square. I, and lots of others that I've seen, use the icon at sizes like 12x12. That would be a perfect point to mark on the guidelines requesting that a minimum size of 12x12 be considered, as the icon still works well at that size and offers designers a little more flexibility.

In the t-shirt example, where a stylised low-res monochrome version of the logo was used, Brian would need to annotate the "don't mess with the logo" point in the guidelines to say, hey, how about this suggested variation?

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