Looks like there are many others:

There are various common abbreviations to distinguish the Canadian dollar from others: while the ISO <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Organization_for_Standardization> currency code <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217> *CAD* (a three-character code without monetary symbols <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_sign>) is common, no single system is universally accepted. *C$* is recommended by the Canadian government (e.g., per /The Canadian Style/ guide) and is used by the International Monetary Fund <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Monetary_Fund>, while /Editing Canadian English/ indicates *Can$* and *CDN$*; both guides note the ISO scheme/code. The abbreviation *CA$* is also used, e.g., in some software packages.



Andy Mabbett wrote:
In message
Iliya Krempeaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

What I'm arguing is that... we should throw an iso4127 class name in
there too so that other currency codes (besides ISO 4127) could be
used too without (potentially) breaking this or other Semantic HTML
systems (that either exist now or will exist in the future) for
marking up currency.
What currency code uses "CDN" for Canadian dollars - or we going to have
people inventing their own currency codes, too?
Well... I use "CDN".  (I'm Canadian BTW.)  Until I read the ISO 4127
spec, I don't think I've noticed "CAD" being used.  But I've seen
"CDN" all over the place.

Even at the currency exchage stores (that I've been to) I believe they
use "CDN".

It's a defacto standard.  (Just because ISO doesn't give "CDN" its
blessing and tells people to use "CAD" doesn't mean people will.)

I'm not disputing that it's used; you've said "...other currency codes
(besides ISO 4127) could be used..."; and I'm asking what currency code
uses CDN. Seems you can't name one.
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