On Sep 21, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Andy Mabbett wrote:

The "atom:link" element defines a reference from an entry or
feed to a Web resource. This specification assigns no meaning to
the content (if any) of this element.

The XMDP profile in the hAtom draft [1] goes into more detail, defining the "bookmark" property (hAtom:bookmark) as:

The concept of atom:link (without any "rel") with an atom:entry from The Atom Syndication Format, constrained and modified as per the hAtom microformat spec.

The Atom specification goes on to describe five types of link relations [2], with the proviso that:

If the "rel" attribute is not present, the link element MUST be interpreted as if the link relation type is "alternate"

The five relation types are:

1) "alternate": an "alternate version" of the entry.
2) "related": a resource related to the entry (e.g. examples and references).
3) "self": a link to the entry itself.
4) "enclosure": a resource that might "be large ... and require special handling".
5) "via": the source of information in the entry.

According to the XMDP profile, the hAtom:bookmark is atom:link without a "rel", meaning it MUST be interpreted as "alternate". This constrains the hAtom:bookmark to point to alternate versions of the entry, which is essentially a permalink.

While there is some room for interpretation, it seems to me like there's a clear distinction between the *page* and the *announcement* that the page is being updated. The page is related to the announcement (rel="related"), but it is not an alternate version of the announcement (rel="alternate"). This would not allow for the use of hAtom:bookmark the way you propose.

If you were right, then hAtom would be of no use for the purpose I outlines; and we'd still need a "What's New" microformat.

Your ultimate purpose is to syndicate updates to the site, yes? hAtom is perfect for this. It might require you to tweak the format slightly. One possibility:

  <tr class="hentry">
<th scope="row"><abbr class="updated" title="2006-09-21">21 September</abbr></th> <td><span class="entry-title">Updated Bibliography</entry- title>: <span class="entry-content">Details and images of the two revised editions of <a href="biblio/worcs.htm#BirdsOfMalvern">Birds of the Malvern District</a> added to our bibliography</span>.</td>

  <tr class="hentry">
<th scope="row"><abbr class="updated" title="2006-09-21">21 September</abbr></th> <td><span class="entry-title">September 2006 Bulletin</span>: <span class="entry-content">Our <a href="../bulletin/ index.htm#b434">September 2006 Bulletin</a> is out now.</span></td>

- Matthew

[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom#XMDP_Profile
[2] http://www.atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/atom-format- spec.php#rfc.section.

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