Some of my pages. e.g:


have markup like:

   <li class="hentry">
        <abbr class="updated entry-title" title="2006-09-20">20th</abbr>:
        <span class="entry-content">[text].</span>

Which is, of course, part of hAtom.

Some RSS clients (e.g. FireFox's "live bookmarks") don't recognise feed
items with no URL, so I'd like to expand it by adding a date-related ID:

   <li class="hentry" id=D2006-09-20>
        <abbr class="updated entry-title" title="2006-09-20">20th</abbr>:
        span class="entry-content">[text].</span>

and a ' rel="bookmark" ' tag for "#D2006-09-20".

Is there any way to do that, without having self-referring links? I see
no reason why those URLs need to be visible on the page to which they

Andy Mabbett
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