On Oct 5, 2006, at 5:07 AM, Stephen Paul Weber wrote:

Wikis are awesome and a page to collect all this can't hurt anything :)


Is hDOAP going to be suggested into the microformats.org community? Has it already and I just can't find the wiki pages? What about, as I've mentioned, the ability to list/markup/crawl non-open-source software downloads?

As you point out below, hDOAP has some problems (or, at least, does things differently than things are done around here). I don't see any reason why it couldn't be put through the process.


hDOAP as it is seems to 'break' some rules too... like useing
alternate markup for people instead of hCard, not using
date-design-pattern. rel=license instead of class=license would make sense, and the license URLs should probably be the actual, recognised URLs, not DOAP-only special ones (the DOAP-onlys could be specified as rel="license alternate" or something maybe...) rel=tag for actual categories, but many 'categories' don't seem to be real categories.

Just some thoughts :)

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