On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:49 AM, Charles Roper wrote:

Is is considered better to have longer, easier-to-read, more
descriptive, more semantically correct attribute values over shorter,
more concise, bandwidth-saving ones?

I consider semantics more important than length. This comes up enough that it should maybe be in a FAQ.

On small pages, a few extra bytes of HTML won't make a big difference,
but on very large pages (in terms of markup), all those extra HTML
classes and their uF values could pile on the KBs. I would argue that
on-the-fly compression of HTML (mod_gzip, mod_deflate, PHP's zlib et
al) is mature enough now to be considered a better solution for
reducing page size over using shorter uF attributes. I would also
argue that longer, more readable attributes are more in keeping with
the uF goal of being for humans first, machines second.

I agree with all of this, but I think a more fundamental issue is that this problem is always presented as a hypothetical, and we shouldn't spend out time trying to solve hypothetical problems. We know readability is a problem when someone can't understand something. We'll know size is a problem when someone says they can't implement microformats due to size. No one has ever said that, as far as I know.

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