My past thoughts about this subject (always updated at )
are the following.
I hope they can be interesting for you.
Thank you.
- - - - -
Document navigation module                                                      

Every resource (a book, an e-book, a web site, but also a movie, a
music etc.) can be divided in sections.

Sections can be:
sequential (monodimensional),
linked, connected with relationships (bidimensional or multidimensional)

A subsection is a section contained in a section. A subsection can
contain another (sub)section, so there are sections of different
levels (first, second etc.)
I think it's fundamental to distinguish to different types of content
organization and, consequently, fruition: lineartypical of traditional
books like romances, essays etc. The fruition is sequential,
traditionally organized in sections like chapters, paragraphs and
single lines.hypertextualnon linear, multidimensional with a net
structure typical of traditional books like dictionaries,
encyclopedias etc. This typology has increased its potential with the
development of information and communication technologies, the web in

In an hypertextual resource we can always suggest a preferred linear
path, that explores sequentially the whole content.
Linear content indexRefers to a section providing an index for a
collection of sections.startRefers to the first section in a
collection of sections. This link type tells search engines which
section is considered by the author to be the starting point of the
collection.nextRefers to the next section in a linear sequence of
sections. User agents may choose to pre-load the "next" section, to
reduce the perceived load time.prevRefers to the previous document in
an ordered series of documents. Some user agents also support the
synonym "Previous".
Hypertextual content navigationThis is the navigation bar on a web
document. This is typically a list of links to other pages on the site
or other areas of the same document.searchThis is the search section
of a web document. This is typically a form used to submit search
requests about the site or a more general Internet wide search
service.bookmarkRefers to a bookmark. A bookmark is a link to a key
entry point within an extended document. The title attribute may be
used, for example, to label the bookmark. Note that several bookmarks
may be defined in each document.

On 10/20/06, Christian Heilmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Talking to Jeremy at the WSG Microformats thingamajing yesterday and
to Drew and Ed in the office today, I thought it'll be a good idea to
implement prev and next as attribute values to microformats.

As you may be aware, a rel of prev and next on LINK elements of the
documents indicated a document connection, for example when the page
is part of an overall paper. If you envision a web page as a piece of
paper, the LINK element is the staples. The cool thing about the prev
and next values is that Firefox pre-caches these pages, too. Opera
shows this navigation as a toolbar. As MSIE doesn't do squat with it I
published a script when I was young and needed the money about it -

Now, in terms of Microformats these two attributes could have several

- They could indicate that your blog post is a follow-up to an older
one, when you didn't want to update the other one
- They could indicate a relationship with other blogs and their posts
(like a meme going round)
- They could indicate a kind of version controlling, if you for
example write a JavaScript that is a newer and improved version of
another developers's code (Wahey! Another getElementsByClassName()!)

These links could be followed by a scanner tool and allow you to keep
up-to-date on the progression of the meme, make sure people can also
read the older blog posts or go to the other permutations of the same


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Lorenzo De Tomasi
Designer della comunicazione
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