hListing can definitely be about an hItem, but I think they're separate:

- hListings can be about people (I assume)
- the title of a listing (for example) "the greatest record ever made"
is not necessarily the same as the title of the item (i.e. "Who's
- the price in a listing may be different that the "real" price/value
of an item (!)

I'm also reading all my old posts about Google Base [1] which covers a
lot of this ground and is in use on the web.

I share you excitement of the idea and shall pursue further.

Regards, etc...

[1] http://blogmatrix.blogmatrix.com/google%20base/

On 11/16/06, James Darling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think the purpose of this is that it is vague. Or perhaps
'Versatile' might be a more positive word.
I think it covers a lot of ground hListing covers (all of it?),
however, I think what me and David are struggling with is it being
stuck on items just for sale. I can imagine this being easily
expandable to sub hItems, such as hWine. (at the risk of sounding
like I'm waltzing in and turning everything upside down, I could see
hLisiting as a subhItem)
One possible solution this could provide that has just popped into me
head is you could store your Vinyl collection as hItems (delicious
library plugin?). Throw in hcards and managing the collection during
a divorce gets easier! I don't see hItems being suitable.

Ideas are only just coming into my head, but the idea of simply
marking things as items excites me, and the more I think about it,
the less problems I have with it.
But I'm still open to having my dreams dashed.

James Darling

On 16 Nov 2006, at 22:42, Andy Mabbett wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, James
> Darling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>> I think to a certain extent, just marking an item as an item could be
>> quite powerful
> But what is an "item"? A physical object? A concept? A word? A
> paragraph?
> If anything, I'd work in the opposite direction; find common
> properties
> which can be marked up, perhaps:
>         price (cf currency proposal)
>         colour
>         dimensions
>         weight/ mass
>         date (-range)
>         manufacturer
>         catalogue/ part number
> and then see which current or future microformats might use them.
> --
> Andy Mabbett
>                 Say "NO!" to compulsory ID Cards:  <http://
> www.no2id.net/>
>                 Free Our Data:  <http://www.freeourdata.org.uk>
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