On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:54 AM, Andy Mabbett wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Breton
Slivka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

There's a few rather obvious problems with this idea that I can see.
However, before I point them out, I will note that if the benefits of
such a plan outweigh the problems, then go for it. However I suggest
very carefully thinking about this before going nuts with extensions.

Who is advocating "going nuts"?

It's a rhetorical device. The intent is to warn against unrestricted extensions to the standard with no problem cases to back up such solutions. Nobody was advocating such a thing, but it is one possible consequence of what you suggested.

#1. More work for implementors. While this rarely is seen as an issue for people on this list, (Tantek promotes that it's far more important
to make it easier for publishers), one has to consider that  if you
specify some extension such as date of death, how likely is it  to be
implemented by anyone other than yourself?

#2. In such an implementation, what specific benefit would having a
specific field offer over just adding a note? Are there specific use
cases when sorting contact information by date of death, for example,
is important?

You're criticising a wide concept by considering one suggested example.

No, I'm using the example you suggested as an example, of the sort design as problem solving thought process one should be using while considering extensions to a format. Namely, asking the questions "what problem is this solving? Does it actually need to be solved?, How badly does it need to be solved? What are the consequences of solving it in this way? Are there alternative ways of solving it?" etc...

Nonetheless, there are sufficient "dates of death" on the web to suggest
that marking them up, semantically, would be useful, and incorporating
them in hCards, ditto.

useful for what? What problem would such a thing solve? I've never needed to find a person via their date of death, but then, I'm not a mortician or a police investigator, so it may very well be an actual problem for 80%, but this needs to be considered before creating an extension specifically for it, and adding complexity to an already somewhat difficult format. I am picking on your date of death example, but similar questions would need to be asked for every extension.

This is especially relevant when incorporating hCards into other uFs,
such as those for citations and reviews


#3. Unreliable round tripping: This would be a fairly minor annoyance,
but an annoyance nonetheless.

What do you mean by "Unreliable round tripping"?

Client X supports features A, B, C. Client Y supports features A, C, D. How would you deal with exchanging data between these two programs, and maintaining self consistent database structures? Admittedly this is an issue for developers, but it becomes a problem for users when the author of client X and client Y don't agree on how to solve it.

#4. Divergent standards: Are there any other extensions to icalendar
or vcard being done by other groups and/or vendors? Is there likely to
be in the future?

No, ad no. See previous discussion.


Do you mind linking to any specific posts?

The hCard and iCalendar standard allow for vendor specific extensions,
anyway, if you really really need  feature X for a specific problem.
With a clever enough client, and  publishing implementation, this can
probably be done with hCard and  hCalendar as is, while maintaining
backward compatibility.

How? Feel free to use DoD as an example.

Andy Mabbett

<div class="vcard">
<span class="fn">Abraham Lincoln</span>
<div class="org">United States</div>
<div class="adr">
  <div class="street-address">1600 Pennsylvania Ave.</div>
  <span class="locality">Washington</span>
  <span class="region">DC</span>
 <abbr class="dod" title="18650415">April 15, 1865</abbr>

Then, someone can correct me if this is incorrect, when a client written to deal with DoD encounters class="dod", it can import it with an "x-" prefix (for vendor specific properties, as allowed by vcard, I think) rather than try and do fancy things with notes. (see note above about client author disagreements).


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