On 1/31/07, Michael McCracken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to hear some discussion on the language field for hCite.
I think it is useful, but it has two things going against it for me:

- many citation formats have supported useful work without storing the language
(I've never had 'language' in a bibtex entry, nor seen it written in a
list of references - even when it is obviously not the same language
as the referring page/paper.)

- We only have two examples of pages marking up the language on the
web - W3C and Amazon.com.

The second point is why I'm writing this - I am happy to admit that
it's useful to be able to mark up the language, and I'd have no
problem with 'language' as an optional field in hCite, but if there
are no other examples to be found, that suggests to me that maybe it's
not really necessary.

I'm open to the thought that Amazon alone is enough examples, because
of its size, but I'm not totally sold on that.

So - if you feel that hCite needs a language field, please find
relevant examples from the web and add them to the wiki, then point to
them in this thread.

--- HTML gives us a mechanism for determining the language. the @lang
attribute or @xml:lang. Both of these are in use already with hCard
and hCalendar. It would make sense to simply extend them to hCite as


brian suda
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