Brian Suda wrote:

I would love to have my host have the latest, greatest version of PHP
technology. If they don't i don't go complain to PHP and ask them to
back-port functionality to an earlier version. I buck it up and either
move hosts, pay for the better service or co-locate my own box. It is
silly to think that it is a problem with the specification.

Quoting from About Microformats: "Designed for humans first and machines second, microformats are a set of simple, open data formats built upon existing and widely adopted standards." This also implies they should be easy to implement. Co-locating your own box and rocking mod_rewrite can hardly be considered easy implementation of a "simple" data format.

while i understand a given server setup might have limitations,
that's not a microformats problem, that is your problem.

Your taking the elitist way out. I believe it's a microformats problem to encourage adoption and to figure out a standard that will work for the most people. Which is better? A massive dissemination of usable tag metadata, or a smaller subset of tag metadata with pretty URLs?


PS. Nice change of the subject line.

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