On Feb 13, 2007, at 3:23 AM, Rob Crowther wrote:
On 12/02/07, Pat Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Training being a learning experience, I would think marking it up as
education is appropriate.

But work is (or perhaps should be) a 'learning experience' too.  It's
not quite the same thing, but most application forms I've filled in
have had separate sections for Education and Training.

A quick google for some examples:

1 - http://www.chichester.gov.uk/your_council/council_jobs/ copy_of_job_appln_form1.cfm
(link to Word doc on page) - Has an 'EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL
QUALIFICATIONS' section, separate boxes for schooling, professional
qualifications and 'other relevant training' but all under the same

2 - http://www.tendringdc.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/ E8AE5F2D-4F09-46F7-8044-9A45A924CDCE/0/ApplicationForm130306.pdf
- seperate sections for Education and Professional Qualifications

3 - http://www.unison.org.uk/acrobat/B1491.pdf - separate sections for
Education and Training, though the distinction is that anything which
leads to a qualification is Education, and everything else is
Training.  This is perhaps a more useful practical distinction than
the slightly nebulous concepts I had in mind.

4 - http://www.scope.org.uk/downloads/jobs/jobapp_may05.doc - similar
to 3, things with an exam are Education, other things are Training.

5 - http://www.rhul.ac.uk/personnel/application.pdf - similar to 1,
all in one section but sperate boxes for School, Further/Higher
Education, Formal Qualifications and Other Training

6 - http://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/application_form_april_2006.pdf -
Education and Training all in the same box/section.

On the basis of the above examples, I would suggest that a distinction
between education and training could be useful as clearly employers
sometimes see them as distinct concepts.

"Sometimes" is not enough. We're trying to work with the 80 side of the 80/20. I have nothing against improving hResume here, but we shouldn't add features that only a minority of people would use.

Ryan King

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