Hi all,

 Mike Schinkel wrote:

Ryan King wrote:
Catching up in the last few days, I find that there are some
probelems with the "authoritative hcards" proposals. I'


My proposal is that we use UID+URL to hint that there's an
hCard on the other end of that URL which represents the same
entity. Also, multiple hCards with the same UID may be
considered as representing the same entity.

In reviewing this I can't help but feel that I don't understand the use-case or the desired outcome. Will someone kindly explain? Is it that there could be hundreds of hCards on the web for Ryan King (the one for the guy who has the email address of [EMAIL PROTECTED]) but only one should be
considered 'authoritative?"

A number of somewhat overlapping suggestions seem to be floating around regarding this.

There is definitely a strong use case, IMO, for somehow indicating that some hCard over there is a more detailed version of this one.

For example, at the various conference sites I am involved wiht, we mark up all speakers using hCard. Ofen it's simply

<span class="vCard"><a href="http://johnfallsopp.com"; class="url fn">John Allsopp</a>

Now, if this could point at an hCard with more information about the speaker so marked up, to me that would be potentially very useful for something like Tails or Operator to pull in that additional information, or for aggregating references to the same person and on.

As to definitiveness or authoriativeness, I think that's a tougher nut to crack.

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