On Mar 1, 2007, at 6:25 PM, Joe Andrieu wrote:

Ryan King wrote:
On Feb 20, 2007, at 12:23 PM, Scott Reynen wrote:
And maybe that's because what you're describing is actually more
specific that "related hCards" implies.  It seems here you're just
talking about a single relationship: identity.

Yes. You're exactly right. I'm afraid I haven't been that
clear. When
I say "related hCards" I mean related in that they represent
the same
person or organization. I've been using "related hCards" as
for "hCards that represent the same person or organization", which I
now realize must be confusing. (but it seemed so clear in my head! :D)


That made me laugh out loud. I was definitely responding to uid +url as non-identity relations earlier and it seemed perfectly clear
in my head as well. =)

So, don't equal UIDs already imply identitical hCards?

No. Per the RFC, UID identifies the entity represented by the vCard or hCard [1].

In other words, what I think we've really been discussing is how to discover hCards for identical entities, using either URL or
SOURCE (or "via", although I think SOURCE is much better).


Frankly, it seems like it would work if it SHOULD be expected that consume apps MAY use URL and/or SOURCE to look for identical

I believe this approach allows both uid+url and uid+source to link to "related" and/or "sourcing" hCards without any of further
restrictions on the UID.

I don't see any reason why source can't be used as well as url+uid. They signify different semantics, but are both already a part of the format.

They only thing we need to figure out with SOURCE is what consuming applications that convert to vCard (like X2V) should do. Should they take the SOURCE value from the hCard or should they use the URL of the hCard (as X2V currently does).


1. From section 3.6.7 of RFC 2426 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt):

   Type purpose: To specify a value that represents a globally unique
      identifier corresponding to the individual or resource associated
      with the vCard.
   Type special notes: The type is used to uniquely identify the object
     that the vCard represents.

Ryan King

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